Tulis Gerald M. Loeb di buku The Battle for Investment Survival:

One often hears about the “safety” in trading for cash or the advisability of confining commitments to “safe” stocks. Personally, I have long regarded these thoughts as fallacious in actual practice.
Anda mungkin sering mendengar nasehat untuk hanya membeli saham yang “aman.” Menurut saya, ini adalah pandangan yang salah.
By a “safe” stock one generally means an issue that is fairly slow and steady in its movements, or an issue which is selling relatively low and apparently not at a vulnerable level. As to a position in “safe” stock, it is likely to be most exasperating during a rising market when other shares are scoring rapid advances; and during a period of decline when one is long, then the slow action of the safe stock will lull one into a sense of false security.
Yang biasanya dimaksud saham “aman” adalah saham yang pergerakannya lambat dan stabil, atau saham yang harganya relatif rendah. Masalahnya, membeli dan memegang saham “aman” ini akan sangat menjengkelkan saat pasar sedang naik dan saham-saham lain naik dengan cepat; dan pada saat saham turun, pergerakan turun yang perlahan-lahan memberi sensasi aman yang keliru.
The issue which is safe because it is low and cheap is ordinarily a poor mover, usually creeping or backing and filling without getting much of anywhere while the sensational trading moves are practically all in shares which have broken out of the accumulation stage.
Saham yang “aman” karena harganya rendah dan murah adalah biasanya saham yang geraknya sempit, sedangkan gerakan fantastis biasanya terjadi pada saham yang menembus tahap akumulasi.
Pos-pos yang berhubungan:
- Beli Saham Apa?
- Mengapa Harga Saham Naik Turun?
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