In Indigofera species are herbaceous plants, shrubs or small trees. Most plant parts are covered with hair matted. The leaves are simple, paired or unpaired pinnate. The edges of the leaves or leaflets are smooth. Stipules are present.
The flowers stand singly in leaf axils or in axillary or spiciform year-old inflorescences with bracts. Bracts absent. The flowers are hermaphrodite and zygomorph. The petals are united. The sepals are nearly equal or the lower longer.
The petals are often colored pink, red or orange. The shuttle has often a spur. The carpel contains many or just one or two ovules. The style ends in a kopfigen scar. The leguminous fruit is oblong to pencil or ball-shaped and contains three to four seeds.
See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist