There are one-, two-or multi-annual herbaceous plants. The alternate leaves are usually lobed. Stipules are not available.
The flowers are available individually or combined in zymösen or spiciform inflorescences. You have to cup and crown structured, hermaphroditic, but somewhat flowers. The two sepals envelop to protect the burgeoning in stage, the petals fall off and the opening of the flowers.
Thus opened flowers are supposedly only one petal circle. These are four petals present. In each flower are many (50-100) free stamens present, which are formed centripetally. Two carpels are fused into a oberständigen ovary. Pollination is by insects (entomophily).
Typical characteristics of the species are the blue-green color and the yellow latex, and the two flaps from the top almost to the base opens, and cylindrical (with horn-shaped Glaucium flavum) capsule fruit. It contains many dark brown seeds.
Source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hornmohn
See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist