The genus contains plants that vegetate since the spring, bloom in summer and remain inactive during the winter. The three species of the genus are native to the summer rainfall regions of South Africa.
The best known species of the genus is Galtonia candicans (Jacinto Cape or just Galtonia), very popular with gardeners. It is proposed that this genus should be transferred to the genus Ornithogalum affine.
Herbaceous plants, bulbs, leaves rosette, long, flat and fleshy. The flowers are bell-shaped and pendulous and are arranged in clusters at the tip of a scape sharpening. Actinomorphic and hermaphrodite flowers occur.
The perigone is composed of six tepals arranged in two unequal series, united at the base. The androecium is composed of six stamens, the filaments are filiform and anther dorsifixed.
The ovary is superior ovary, the ovary is locular, loculi with pluriovulados. The style is filiform and capitate stigma. The fruit is a capsule with flat black seeds.
See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist