Five Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and you Should Avoid

One thing that all entrepreneurs have in common is that they all make mistakes. Unfortunately, time and again we see the same mistakes repeated by many entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs Make #1 – Unclear Goals

Not having clear goals and a clear mission is like trying to drive through a foreign city without a map. he easiest way to avoid making this mistake is to write down your goals and strategies. Too often people can be thrown off course by innocently misinterpreting the goals and strategies. To assume that everyone involved with the business has a clear understanding of its mission can cause many more errors down the road.

In addition to writing down the goals of the business, be sure to write down measurements for success! Set your goals with timelines or milestones in mind and keep focused on meeting those objectives.

Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make #2 – Trying to prove you are Smart

The quickest way to make enemies is to try and prove you are the smartest one out of all the people you work with. Trying to prove you are smart is self-serving and has everything to do with ego; you will end up looking foolish for not listening to the advice of others in business.

No one has all the answers. Where you become smarter is when you realize that there are many other talented people who you can learn from. If you are fortunate enough to be surrounded by such a group of people, learn to be gracious and acknowledge and give credit to them for helping you along the path of building your business successfully.

Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make #3 – Greed

This may sound like a silly question but: are you in business to simply make money? Or, have you become an entrepreneur in order to march to the beat of your own drummer?

Becoming a successful entrepreneur involves the creative efforts on not only your part, but also on the part of others who contribute time and money toward your business. They want to succeed with you and are more likely to stay with you as long as they are valued—by you.

This means that you cannot keep the whole pie to yourself. Just because you might feel that you work harder than others do, does not mean that you are entitled to all the business equity. Think of it this way: with the help of others’ contributions of time and money, what might the value of your slice of the pie be worth down the road?

Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make #4 – Hiring the Wrong People

Your business is not being set up as a social gathering and filled with all the people whom you like. Your business needs to be comprised of knowledgeable and talented people who are good at what they do.

Successful entrepreneurs concentrate on hiring the people they need—not just people they like.

Part of writing your goals and strategies includes creating job positions for people to fill. Without a clear-cut job description and list of duties for those areas, how would you know the best people to hire?

Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make #5 – Not Knowing when to Let Go

Many business owners refer to their venture as their “baby” and, in many ways, building a business is just like rearing a child.

As an entrepreneur, you are starting with a seedling of life that you will nourish and grow and the “child” begins to mature. Over time, other people contribute their time, skills, and money into the business and, as the business grows, the relationships change.

Be prepared to hand over responsibilities to others so that you do not suffer from “burn out.”

Important Points to Remember to Avoid Making the 5 Biggest Mistakes:

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  • * Develop and write down goals, strategies, and measures for success.
  • * Give credit to others who are smarter than you.
  • * Be fair with sharing the equity in the business.
  • * Hire the people you need—not just the people you like.
  • * Learn to give responsibility to others at the right time.

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