In addition to the types of aquarium plants, Takashi Amano also popularize Caridina japonica, which is a very effective type of shrimp to eat and controlling the algae which growing on the aquarium plants. The types of algae shrimp is then called as the “Amano Shrimp”.
When he proves that this shrimp was effective to eradicate and controlling algae growth in large quantities, then Takashi Amano bought thousands of Caridina japonica shrimp from aquarium supplies in Japan. After that, Caridina japonica or “Amano Shrimp” was as a necessity to all of his freshwater aquarium.

The Amano Shrimp is also known as the Yamato Numa-Ebi, or Japanese Swamp Shrimp and it originates from the swamps of Japan. The ideal setup for the Amano Shrimp is an established freshwater aquarium or pond of at least 10 gallons with plenty of hiding places and algae with a mature substrate. The Amano Shrimp should be housed with small peaceful fish or koi that will not pose the threat of eating it. The Amano Shrimp can tolerate low to moderate salinity levels, making them an ideal algae controller for ponds and water gardens in non-freezing climates.
Japonica Amano Shrimp is an omnivore that will consume algae, detritus and left over food. Even if they can find food almost everywhere in the tank, once a week or so, feed Caridina Japonica with specific food or with fish pellets, some of them seem to appreciate a lot spirulina pellets.
Althought “Caridina Japonica” are known to eat algae, anyway remember the Amano shrimps are not a final solution against algae proliferation because they are too small and do not eat that much, moreover they like just some kind of algae and ignore others. The only one solution to algae problems is to control the aquarium balance, including lighting period and quality, filtration work, fish and plants number in aquascape aquarium.